The God's Word® Bible translation is now available for purchase within Big Screen.
A link has been added to the admin area under the preview of images and videos. This will download the original file that was uploaded.
The Kougo-yaku Bible translation is now available in Big Screen.
Big Screen now allows larger PDFs to be uploaded without failing. The new process has also reduced the time it takes to convert a PDF file to images.
The Amplified Bible Classic Edition is now available for purchase within Big Screen.
When a video is playing you can now press S to stop it.
Created Change Log page to increase visibility of Big Screen updates and new features.
Improved interface for showing notifications.
Added ability to show notifications on monitor outputs. Notifications can now be sent to Frontend, Monitors or both types of outputs.
Videos and Images can now be set to fill your screen when they don't match the aspect ratio. Settings for this can be found in the advanced tab of the theme editor.