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How to Integrate Tithe.ly ChMS / Elvanto with Big Screen

Please note, to complete this tutorial you will need:

  1. Log into the Tithe.ly ChMS / Elvanto administration area and click on the Settings button.

    Tithe.ly ChHS/Elvanto Settings Button
  2. Scroll down to the Developers area and click on Integrations.

    Tithe.ly ChHS/Elvanto Intergration Settings
  3. Click on the Add button.

    Tithe.ly ChHS/Elvanto Adding Intergration
  4. Select Big Screen from under the Worship section.

    Tithe.ly ChHS/Elvanto Intergration Option List
  5. Click on the finalise link to connect to Big Screen.

    Tithe.ly ChHS/Elvanto Finalise Big Screen Intergration
  6. Enter your Big Screen admin credentials.

    Big Screen Login to Tithe.ly ChHS/Elvanto to connect
  7. Enter your Elvanto login credentials.

    Tithe.ly ChHS/Elvanto Login Page
  8. Select Allow Access.

    Tithe.ly ChHS/Elvanto Allow Access
  9. Integration is now complete. You can now go to Songs in Big Screen admin and click Add Song. Tithe.ly ChMS / Elvanto will be available as an import option.


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